Friday, December 23, 2011

The Grand Canyon

We decided that it would be fun to go camping over fall break. We began our journey to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. It was absolutely beautiful. We went on a hike that was right on the edge of the plateau. There were gigantic squirrels, deer, and ravens. We took Dallas along with us. She enjoyed being outdoors. Marley and Miles completed the Jr. Ranger Program and received certificates and badges. We enjoyed playing games each night, cooking by the campfire, and exploring in the forest. We got creative with some of our cooking and even brought a frozen pizza and cinnamon rolls to cook in the dutch oven for Miles. It was an amazing experience to camp at the Grand Canyon!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Your puppy is the cutest thing ever!!

What a fun trip ...and the headlamps- smart and hilarious!